And these Minnesotans...they really love their state fair... though I'm not sure why since it's the unofficial official end of summer!

I however, am not a Minnesotan ~ Been here 11 years and still consider myself a North Dakotan true and true. But...I do love me some fair ~ the hubs, however, could take it or leave it but mostly prefers to leave it - so we compromise and hit the Dakota County Fair instead...

Less admission fee, less traffic and crowds, less people...but all the same fun...or more in my opinion!
Our first stop at the fair was a wildlife exhibit...where obviously SOMEONE was bored to death! (And no it wasn't my hubs! not at this point anyway!) As bored to death as he looked, he was in fact, actually breathing though! The worker-gal checked him out for us...apparently he was pretty comfy in his pen at the fair!

This poor guy just wanted out...
Caged animals make me sad...

But it's neat to see them up close and learn about them...
And our lil man got his first pony ride!

Big Sister is going through an 'apprehensive stage' and wasn't too sure about much - she fed this beauty - via Daddy's hand (you'll notice SHE is holding Daddy's hand out?) but didn't have ANY desire to go for a ride what-so-ever!

He was a natural hopping right on! Never mind that his feet didn't reach...
Like his Mama, he loved him some horses!

Big Sister is going through an 'apprehensive stage' and wasn't too sure about much - she fed this beauty - via Daddy's hand (you'll notice SHE is holding Daddy's hand out?) but didn't have ANY desire to go for a ride what-so-ever!
She did however have fun taking in the sights & the sounds...from the best seat in the house...

(Remember the bored to death thing? Yep, I think the hubs was bored to death!)

(Remember the bored to death thing? Yep, I think the hubs was bored to death!)
D tried his hand at some carnival games...
Winning, what else...a BAT (with 'pirates' on it - skull and crossbones but whatever, it's pirate to him and he loves him some pirate!)
And the good date that he is for the fair, he also won Miss Apprehensive a couple of things, including a Tiara for the princess that she is - and a fun purple ball to kick around!
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