with this little girl...
She is everything I could have hoped for and more...

She's strong and she's independant...She know's what she wants. She's got her own sense of fashion...and don't anyone try and tell her any different...
Just look at her *fancy shoes* that she has insisted on wearing several times a week since her first birthday! Tammy gave them to her and I'll admit it...when she got them I thought...no way...no kid actually WEARS those shoes...
well, our kid has actually worn them OUT! She tried to repair them with scotch tape today!
All dressed up to pick up Daddy from the 'Air Fort' as D calls it...
Here she is at dance class - wearing a sundress and jeans, while all the other little girls wear 'dance garb' - we got her a very colorful fun new tutu this week so maybe...just maybe she'll sport one by the end of the session...
But not that it matters - she's still having fun and is just as cute in her 'yoga' attire as well...
Here's a video preview of the grand finale that we are half way to getting to...
I think my heart just melted a little. The dancing is great. I can't wait until we can get M into a class.
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