another romantic Valentine come and gone...remember last year??
This year we actually did our 'family valentine' in the am with a great unhealthy breakfast of hashbrowns, eggs, sausage and cinnamon was great! The company even better...And while I'm not a fan AT ALL of Valentine's Day ~ We did get a sitter and were able to go out and enjoy a decent meal (while it was warm no less) and a night out on the town - at the X watching the MN Wild. I've always hated Valentine's Day - it seems so...silly? to pick one day out of the year to celebrate what to me, should always be celebrated (our love, friendships, yadda yadda) and what should be continued to be celebrated tomorrow, next week - always. It means so much more to me to get flowers or a card/note on a random day then it does a day that the calendar SAYS you should tell people what they mean to you - Add in the fact the irony of my dad passing away on Valentine's Day - of a heart attack - and it makes it hard to think about *love* on that day of all days. Don't worry - I won't ruin it for others - our kids had a kickin' Valentine's Day!
Here's a video of nothing but something all the same ~
H enjoying a lolli from her daycare provider...
And check out all this loot from their Valentine Party!
Kudos to the mom who put a toothbrush, toothpaste AND dental floss in their goodie bags!
H got to spend time with her cousin - whom she adores!
And the girls even let D play a little bit too! (though H is 'helping' as you see her hand over his!)
We celebrated Daddy's birthday (2 days after Valentine's Day) with relatively low fanfare...He did get some pretty awesome gifts if I do say so myself...the cake?? Well, better luck next year - I know it looks like H might have done the decorating but we actually picked it up at Target! ACK! (The frosting was delish though - just ask H!)
We played with Moon Sand (Thanks Micah and Manda!)
A fun new distraction to keep us busy indoors since it's been too cold to be outside!
Mostly we try and wear ourselves in our house and when nighttime falls, we refuse to go to sleep...unless it's on our own terms...even if it's on the hard kitchen floor!
Finally - at 10:30 pm on this night - I declared VICTORY
See ya February...You will not be missed! Bring on the Spring!
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