Not Me Monday -

Monday, December 1, 2008

I've been thinking of doing one of these "Not Me Monday" posts for awhile now...I have been following MckMama's blog for some time...and one day this past fall, I found myself on a playdate at a kickin' park not very close to my house and ran into the Mck Kids!! What a small world!! Imagine, here I was on a playdate with other people from the blogging world, and here I run into kids I recognize from another blog I STALK follow on a semi-regular basis! Anyhoo - since I'm behind in my own blogging and have yet to upload pics to DO my next few blog posts...I thought I'd finally play along...
Don't get used to it...I can't confess to *not me* every week!

So...not me...hmmm....

Well, I certainly did NOT attend a playdate last week when I should have been working instead because a fabulous group of friends was getting together and I did not want to miss out. I also didn't leave my kids behind at their in home daycare that day because they were only going two days that week anyway while I paid for four - Nope, Not me!

I did NOT prepare an entire Thanksgiving Meal for my family on Saturday, AFTER THANKSGIVING, so that we could sit down and eat together as a family of four with things less hectic than on the actual Thanksgiving day - only to sit down and eat it alone anyway. I would never have let my husband continue napping on the couch and the kids playing on the deck while I sat and ate by myself after spending two hours cooking the meal - nope, not me!

I did not get tears in my eyes and long for another baby of our very own after watching our two interact with their one month old baby cousin - nope, not me...because we are done building our family and I know that.

There are probably many many more - but will I put them out there for the five of you to read?? Nope, not me!!


1. Polski G said...

Behind on your blogging? Don't you put a new one up every two days or so? And when are you going to download Skype and buy a webcam?

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