Whoo hoo! Today my bracelet(s) arrived. Not too long ago I stumbled upon these bracelets that read - I am enough - Seriously - which one of us doesn't need to be reminded of that every
I find myself rushing from one thing to the next, never ever finding enough hours in the day to get it all in. When I lie down at night my mind is constantly going over the things I didn't get done that I think I should have. Laundry, Dishes, Vacuuming...Does my almost three year old care that the birthday invitations aren't perfect? No...she doesn't even care about the presents or the cake - just the frosting and the people - that's enough for her. I could learn a lot from her. I am training myself to put aside the stuff that doesn't really matter - I don't know why I always think things have to be perfect, and that I am responsible for them to get that way. We have all that really matters, each other. Who cares about the stuff anyway?? As long as we are healthy, and happy...do we need anything else?
That's why these bracelets struck such a cord with me...because I am enough.
I ordered two bracelets from Jan at Loved Unconditionally. To my surprise, they arrived quickly, AND with a hand written note from the creator of these bracelets herself. Amazing I tell you ~ made my day. And the reason I ordered two - one for me, and one for a new friend Jackie. Jackie's husband Jeff passed away this past spring, died in her arms from a pulmonary embolism. He was a skipper of a fishin' boat - think Deadliest Catch...And now Jackie is left behind to raise two young children, finding her way in life. She is my age. She has two young children. She could be any one of us at any given time. Please stop by Jackie's blog and say hello - she's amazing. And she is enough. She is all those children need to survive in this world and I hope that the bracelet I am sending her will make her day just a little bit brighter. If you too want a bracelet for yourself - I highly recommend Jan and Loved Unconditionally. These are my new favorite gift!!
As always - hug your loved ones tight and tell them they are - before it's too late.
What a wonderful post and so true. I need to go and get one of those bracelets.
Thank you for turning me onto this artist and her work. The bracelets are lovely. I hope you're enjoying them. :)
Hi. I found you from Jackie's blog. What a great idea! That bracelet is so thoughtful. I hope it makes her smile too. Take care.
How cool are those?!?
I was reading on matt logelin's comments that you may be spearheading a LL5K. I live in Chicago, but would be TOTALLY willing to come back to "the" MN for a run like this. If you have any info, could you e-mail me at tall_wonder at hotmail dot com. Thanks!
Hi Jackie and Darcie! Thank you so much for absorbing the meaning of these bracelets and applying them to your daily lives! It gives me such joy to see the I am enough braclets - maybe - just maybe- actually changing people's outlook on themselves and confidence in the future. I know I personally need a daily reminder! (Whether I choose to believe it that day or not!)
Jackie, Darcie told me your circumstances. You don't know me, but I have been praying for you. One day you will laugh again. One of my favorite sayings is, "I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way." God has so many wonderful things in store for your family ahead. God bless. With God, you are, without doubt, enough! XO Jan
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