That's why every day we're back for more, With your friends, the Backyardigans!
Took the kids to the (dreaded) Mall of America Friday morning...Had to go there anyway to get my wedding ring checked out by the jeweler we bought it from...decided to put the "Mystery Tickets" to use...We've collected Nickolodean Universe Mystery Tickets at some of the summer events we've gone to over past couple of months...
each ticket was good for two rides - oh laa laa! Not sure what I'd do if we won a years' pass anyway as I'm not a fan of the MOA -
oh well - the kidlets had a good time...


First stop...LegoLand...

Mom tried to tide us over with a "mini ride" - which was oh so fun!!

Good thing H wore "riding boots!"

Final Stop...A relaxing Carousel Ride!

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