WoW - Saturday was one of those action packed summer days...the kind that leaves you wishing there were a few more hours in the day...
I had a playdate set up at 9:30 am in Minneapolis with my peeps from Cribsheet - of course - for the first time in his life D decides to sleep in until after 8 - courtesy of the quad rides with Gary the night before...So, without tubbies we headed to this great coffee shop to meet up with the gals and their tots - it was a super fun time - though next time I'm hoping we can do it outdoors so the kids can spread their wings a little - for the first time in her life H clung to me and just wanted to sit on my lap the whole time!
Immediately from there we went to Aligmagnet Dog Park's 6th Annual Dog Days of Summer Fundraiser - Had to check out my donation basket and see how it was doing in the silent auction! We don't frequent the park twice a week like we did pre-human children but I still support the cause and think the off leash dog park is a fantastic thing for everyone! After watching the police K-9 demonstration and wandering around the booths - we headed home for a little r&r before again heading out for date night in the Mustang - as a family!
We headed to the Hastings Car Show which they do every other Saturday night all summer long - My hubby took his dad last summer and they had a blast...I too loved it! Roasted Corn on the cob, authentic mexican tacos, ice cream, popcorn...oh yeah, and lots of cool cars both new and old too! My man asked me if I wanted to get a sitter - and I said no - thinking it would be a GREAT place for the kids - and it was...except for the fact that the day had been much much too busy already - neither kid would stay put in the stroller- which would be fine - except they kept hopping out WHILE WE WERE PUSHING IT so they'd get caught up underneath - I had visions of bloody faces on the concrete...(thankfully that didn't happen). We were able to distract them with ice cream and popcorn for awhile - but had to duck out earliar than we had planned because the kids were done...
All in all - a GREAT day and can't WAIT to go back to the car show...next time I'll be HUNGRY and get to sample ALL the goodies!!

Is that a green camaro?! Or a cougar?! Whichever, whatever -- I frackin' LOVE it! I am an old car NUT! I love the smell of old motor oil and leather seats. :-)
k in the n
@Kate - It was a camaro - My hubby thinks it was a '68 - whichever year had the hidden headlights - It was his favorite car there - and he claims if it had been a hard top he'd of purchased this fancy ride! Agh-the hysteria!
Damn, I love those old camaros.
My retro ride would be a '69 Mustang Mach I fastback. *swoon*
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