Our family had the "hot seats" for the Eagan Fun Fest Parade on the Fourth of July - my office is a parade sponsor and I'm pretty sure we were the only ones from the office that even attended the parade this year (nor were there any other VIP's there besides us!!) - no matter - we had cushy bleacher seating and were treated like royalty with complimentary gatorade and water! We sure needed it as it was hotter than Hades sitting in the sun for the two hour long parade - Fun was had none-the-less...Candy and Freezee Pops were eaten, coupons were collected and the shriners were tame and enjoyable during this parade! It was so much fun D even fell asleep halfway through ~ must of been the cushy bleacher seating because when we tried to move him to the stroller he woke right up - which was probably a good thing because shortly thereafter came a line of about 20 emergency vehicles all blaring their sirens!

Happy Fourth of July to you!

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