I don't know HOW on earth this happens - he seriously weighs FIVE TIMES AS MUCH as she does - but for some reason, he lets her "walk" him. I hold the leash and I'm running down the street with one shoe on trying to keep up, but she takes hold and he literally just walks beside her...It's amazing to watch and melts my heart to pieces. He drives me crazy, barking at nothing, puking on my carpet a few times a week (why do they NEVER get to the hardwood before vomiting?), hogging the bed and always making fresh paw prints on my freshly scrubbed floors...but to watch him interact with our children really is pretty amazing. Each of our kids does the - "a bite for me a bite for you" with him and the little girl is always wanting to "show him" things...I'm over being a dog mom, but I guess I just pass the reins on down to her because she's pretty good at it!
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