Well, the kids, the dog and I ventured down the street to Opening Night on Tuesday - We played at the park for about an hour before the Long Shots took the field for their 8 pm game - Here is Miss H. practicing her cheerleading skills - *and yes, she's wearing pajamas...for some reason she refused to take them off that morning and wore them all day and night*
The little man preferred to test his stunt skills on the slide -

But I think the favorite part of the night was the Mountain Climbing Stair Wall that takes you from the park/playground equipment down to the fields. The kids LOVED the steps.

A person doesn't have to take the steps - you could walk around the block to the parking lot and take the flat, low ground to the ball fields. Not me. I like the hill - I know what you are thinking - oh good - she needs the exercise...well, to get down I didn't use the steps - picture this - you know the jogging stroller from my previous post?? Kids seated nicely in there, 100 pound dog on the leash and me, wearing flip flops, trying to stroll down this hill! What the hell was I thinking? I should have at least been wearing my running shoes right?? Thankfully Ryan came to my rescue and took the dog leash from me - we could have been quite the site. Not that we weren't - but it could have gotten VERY interesting. Going up was much much easier as the kids climbed the stairs - the dog ran off leash (my choice) and I simply dragged the empty stroller up the hill along side the steps!
It was a great night and the Long Shots won both of their games - Great job boys!
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