Wow - Where did the last year go?? Seems like it was just yesterday we were having an amnio done and the doc was telling us we'd be having the baby tomorrow - which was three and a half weeks early - now we have a one year old whirlwind of a son racing around here (on his knees!)
The First Birthday Pic at Flash -

Derek's first birthday was last Saturday December 29th and was a huge success ~ we were once again taken aback at the generosity of our family and our friends. Both of our children are very blessed to be so loved by so many. Derek wasn't too into the presents for this birthday but his sister was - she actually still thinks a lot of them are hers. Of Buddy's 100 presents pretty much the only thing she'll tell you is his is a giant playground ball Andy and Andrea got for him - but...she thinks that's hers too when you are playing with it.
Too funny. Derek had a great time at his party and seemed to enjoy the cake - I think the key was the white frosting (unlike the red frosting Miss Hailey had on her first birthday.) He was a little easier to clean up than she was - you'd think our dog would be able to handle that job but apparently it was too small for him- he only wanted the big part of the cake - not the scraps on the children!!
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