That's what Santa says - Hailey will tell you that every time you ask her. She was lucky enough to meet Santa last night at Lisa's house. Lisa and her family had all of the families over for dinner for their annual daycare holiday party and Santa showed up there with gifts for each of the children. They were awfully cute all lined up watching Santa sit in his chair, patiently waiting for him to call out their names. He pulled out one gift at a time - reading the child's name. When he said "Hailey" she started shaking her head up and down...yes yes yes! As if to say, yep, that's me - that's me! She hopped right up on his lap and opened her present (after announcing to everyone that you "Don't open til Christmas") She loved her Barbie Doll and was such a good little girl. When Santa read Derek's name off Hailey grabbed his present from Santa and brought it too him - she's such a good little helper - We did try to make Derek sit on Santa's lap but, pictures speak a thousand words. He wasn't having it. He took one look at Santa and had to get the heck out of there. Nothing new there - he won't sit with anyone longer than 4 seconds so don't feel bad Santa! It was such a fun time watching all of the kids with Santa. Avery who was clearly the most excited at just over 3 years old whispered several times during dinner - "Santa's coming. Santa's coming." Well, guess who's name Santa read off last? Isn't that the way it ALWAYS goes??
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