Here we are exactly two years later. Hailey is super excited about her "Burpday" and her "Burpday Party" as am I, though I do wish that they wouldn't come around so quickly! I could swear I was just making her Elmo cake for her first birthday party!
A masterpiece in and of itself!!

Here she was at one...

Now she's two - She's so busy and so curious - She's totally into presents and balloons and cake and cupcakes and sprinkles. I will do my best to make the kids' birthdays the best day of the year for them. I hope I don't disappoint ~
Rob and I are taking Hailey to the Minnesota Wild Home Opener tonight - I hope she has fun! She loves to watch sports with her Daddy - Tammy has graciously offered to take Derek for us so we can spend Hailey's special day concentrating on just her. I am hoping she won't miss "Buddy" too much as the two of them are pretty much inseparable already!! Hopefully I can figure out how to post pictures to the blog and you can share in our Wild Game experience somewhat! Stay tuned for details and hopefully pics from the big "Burpday Party!"
For now - DG
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